List of game speak
From AssaultWiki
Contents: | Top – 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
This is a list of abbreviated and complete English chat and game terms. Some of the abbreviations listed are not confined only to AssaultCube. Many come from the use in chats like the Internet Relay Channel or forums as well.
See also the List of phrases
- 1337 - "Elite"
- AC - AssaultCube
- AFK - "Away From Keyboard"
- AFAIK - "As Far As I Know"
- AR - Assault Rifle
- ASAP - "As Soon As Possible"
- BB - "Bye Bye"
- BG - "Bad Game"
- BL - Blacklist
- BRB - "Be Right Back"
- BS - "Bullshit"
- BTW - "By The Way"
- CBA - "can't be arsed"
- CBF - "can't be fucked"
- Cheater - A player who may be using unfair methods to improve his gameplay
- CLA - Cubers Liberation Army - The red team
- Clan - A small community of players
- CN - The Client Number
- CTF - Capture the Flag
- CU - "See You (later)"
- CY or CYA - "See Ya"
- D/L - "Downloading"
- DEV - (AssaultCube) Developer
- DM - Deathmatch
- ESL - Electronic Sports League
- F1/F2 - "Yes"/"No" or "I agree"/"I disagree" - From the game's voting system
- FFS - "For Fuck's Sake"
- Frag - A kill
- FTFY - "Fixed That For You"
- FTL - "For The Loss"
- FTW - "For The Win"
- FU - "Fuck You"
- FYI - "For Your Information"
- GFU - "Good For You"
- GG - "Good Game"
- Gib - Done by scoring a headshot, knifing or killing a player with a grenade and gives the player two points instead of one
- GJ - "Good Job"
- GL - "Good Luck"
- GN8 - "Good Night"
- GTFO - "Get The Fuck Out"
- GTG - "Got To Go"
- HAX - Hack
- HAXOR - Hacker
- Headshot - Occurs when a person is shot in the head with a sniper rifle
- HF - "Have Fun"
- HTF - Hunt the Flag
- HS - Headshot
- IDC - "I Don't Care"
- IDGAF - "I Don't Give A Fuck"
- IDK - "I Don't Know"
- IMAO - "In My Arrogant Opinion"
- IMHO - "In My Humble Opinion"
- IMO - "In My Opinion"
- Inter - A private match between invited individuals, usually experienced clan players
- IRC - Internet Relay Chat
- IIRC - "If I Remember Correctly"
- JFTR - "Just For The Record"
- JK - "Just Kidding"
- K or KK - "Okay"
- KTF - Keep the Flag
- L8 - "(See You) Later"
- LMAO - "Laughing My Ass Off"
- LMFAO - "Laughing My Fucking Ass Off"
- LOL - "Laughing Out Loud"
- LSS - Last Swiss Standing
- LTNS - "Long Time No See"
- M8 - "Mate"
- MOTD - Message Of The Day
- N1 - "Nice One"
- N8 - "Night"
- Newbie or Newb - An inexperienced gamer.
- noob or n00b - Similiar to Newbie; meant like an insult
- NP - "No Problem"
- NS - "Nice Shot"
- NVM - "Nevermind"
- OMG - "Oh My God!"
- OMFG - "Oh My Fucking God"
- OPK hack - One Position Kill hack, where the cheating player sees all opponents in front of him/her at once
- OSOK - One Shot, One Kill
- Ping - The time it takes data to travel from a client to the server and back
- PJ - Packet Jump
- PLS - "Please"
- POV - "Point Of View"
- PPL - "People"
- pr0n - Intentional misspelling of "porn"
- PW - "Password"
- pwned - Intentional misspelling of "owned"
- RC - "Release Candidate"
- RIP - "Rest In Peace"
- RL - "Real Life"
- RLY - "Really"
- ROFL - "Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing"
- ROFLMAO - "Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing My Ass Off"
- RTFM - "Read The Fucking Manual"
- RTFW - "Read The Fucking Wiki"
- RVSF - Rabid Viper Special Forces - The blue team
- sens - Sensitivity - a figure that adjusts how much your crosshairs move in relation to your mouse/trackpad
- SMG - Sub-Machine Gun
- SOZ or SRY - "Sorry"
- SR - Sniper Rifle
- STFU - "Shut The Fuck Up"
- TBH - "To Be Honest"
- TDM - Team Deathmatch
- THX or TNX - "Thanks"
- TM8 - "Team Mate"
- TK - Team Killer
- TKTF - Team Keep The Flag
- TOSOK - Team One Shot, One Kill
- TS - TeamSpeak
- TTYL - "Talk To You Later"
- TY - "Thank You"
- U - "You"
- U2 - "You Too"
- W - "With"
- W/E - "Whatever"
- W/O - "Without"
- WB - "Welcome Back"
- WOOT or W00T - "We Own the Other Team"
- WP - "Well Played"
- WTF - "What The Fuck?"
- WTH - "What The Hell?"
- ZOMG - A parody, or alternative form of OMG
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