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In the Survivor gamemode every player fights against every other player with the goal of fragging as many other players as possible until the match time limit runs out. While players do not actually have to survive every or even any round in order to win the match, in the event of a tie in the number of frags, the player with the least amount of deaths is the winner. The survivor gamemode has rounds and players do not respawn when they die; once a player dies the player must wait until the round is over in order to play again. There are no weapon restrictions in the survivor gamemode, but there are no ammo, grenade, akimbo, or health pickups. The player with the highest number of kills wins the match. If there is a tie in the number of kills, then the player with the least amount of deaths wins the match.

Tips and hints

Not all weapons are suitable for each map. After the first round, assess whether the weapon you used is the proper weapon for the map you are playing on. If the map you are playing on has a lot of corridors or blind spots, perhaps a shotgun would be the best choice. If the map you are playing on has a lot of open space then the assault rifle or the sniper rifle would be the best choice. This mode can be voted with the shortcut /lms "mapname".

See also