The Kell Hounds (or KH) are currently the biggest dedicated AssaultCube clan and have made their way up to the best known clans in AC.
Kell Hounds
Founded on:
Revival in January, 2008
Founded by:
Current leader(-s):
MorganKell, Emoposer
The KellHounds are currently accepting applications for entry into one of AssaultCube's most epically infamous clans. If you're a shimmy with the ooncey apply for awesomeness on our forums. Or if you've been invited, do the same.
As a possible future member, you must be willing to learn and always acknowledge that friendship and fun are the central values that keep things ticking at KH.
Well we certainly got the "infamous" part right. MorganKell here for a limited time. ThirtyTwo aka |KH|32 is the man to see if you or any of your friends wishes to join The Kell Hounds. He'll test ya out, whether it be in pubs or in a match, his choice, and decide if you're worthy to wear the tags. Have fun and enjoy!
The Beginning
Originally I was just MorganKell. MorganKell is a legendary mechwarrior from the Battletech Universe. Which you can now only really find on ebay, the card game that is, so if any of you shimmies try to outbid me I will whippaw you!! Anyhoo. He is one of those people who no matter how much lead you pump into him, he still survives. He won't die. The Kell Hounds are an elite mercenary unit. One of the best in the Inner Sphere. As such I chose to name myself after the legendary Kell and a little later on to start my own clan the KH.
In the AC world at the time I was just a shimmy. My TDM was to die for!! Sadly that has dissappeared. I sucked at CTF then, but now that I rock pretty shimmily at CTF I suck at TDM. How does that work out? Beats me. Why am I sexy? No one knows, I just am. At the time the usual anti clan sentiment slipped into my shimmy. And to be fair there were some evil fruities out there. So I started the KH. It was fun to apart of something that wasn't all blah. KH started as a tag-only clan. No site no uber other thingies just a simple tag. My first KH was Bullpup. Then Jay I believe, and finally Inferno. Yes I know, we had Inferno. This was back when he was a noob and not a duestchfruit. I will simply point out... oNe also had Inferno. Ha! This was back in the days when iClan was shimmying hardcore. Razor had that sexy as hell map, Undead and Vampy we're still swinging iClan. I missed out on this DES war and all. What was all that about?? Gosh! We we're pretty sexy. Bullpup and I rocked a solid depot left swing.
But then I moved to Pennsylvania. And I lost my internet. I was on for a little while, but Comcast being the bah that they are... yeah you know. I finally got back on when I got back to Illinois. And I had never given up the KH, it just went into hiatus I guess. During this time Bullpup left and of course the other shimmies went their way.
The revival started when I met Emoposer. A former TyDizzle he went from a couple of clans till finally stopping with KH. Which I am supremely and utterly grateful. Emo FTW!! I am computer illiterate. I mean I know Mic Word, Windows Media Player, and AssaultCube, but that is about it. Getting a clan off the ground is hard work, or at least some mean drinking involved. Which I have done plenty thank you very much. With Emo's experience it went pretty damn well. We got a site up, with forums and all. And we got an IRC which is essential to connecting with the AC world. From there and throughout all this we worked on building up the clan. Finding good members to recruit. Beastly uber insane pawnage gibbinatorial Kell Hounds. FTW FTW FTW!! New to the shimmy, we brought in some inconsequential members... i.e. Xplode, who left after the first day. Then we found Jay wandering around, looking for that one true love. Next came Czardas and Greifenstein and 1shot1kill. My shimmies!! Then we found good ole uber Millo. Our first mapper Alfa-Bravo then came to town, Emo found him rocking some uber. Then I believe we saw GRIM. He shimmied into town with a ooncey pop. Tavo from MCNNM also came our way. Uber sizzleness in the extreme!!
Here is a funny little tidbit of shimmy. I played a couple of games against DK-1Horse once and was invited to join! Woot lol! First clan invite so that was pretty cool but DEFINITELY not for me. lol. Ain't never gonna give up my Kell Hounds!!! FTW FTW FTW!! A bit later we snagged two uber shimmies from DK-1, Ruthless and Oblivion. And they're some sexy shimmies. Bringing in Ruth gave us our second mapper. So now we were up to two.
Throughout all this we were rocking clan matches. C=64's Undead shimmy and BlackJack ooncey were always challenging us. They were our first hurdle too. After countless beatings we finally beat them, setting the balance of uberness. Various other matches took place. Some of the most fun for me being singles against Headshot|W$N| and his shimmies. Pro gibs! DES of course launched an offensive against us early, too establish their dominance. And they did so. Razor has got a wicked smg, sunny and fragment are deadly, JMKane has got uber nades, and KCsizzle got those matrix style jet li stone cold said so shimmy. Of course tis alright, for our time is near.... We will rise to Uberness with a win over DES! Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Not yet, but soon. Repping My KH FTW FTW FTW!!
~ MorganKell
At the moment the Kell Hounds are shimmying quite well, having merged with =KFC= in March 2009 after facing some problems caused by their webhost being hacked. They had to spend several weeks without homepage and forums, as well as a member leaving also because of that. But since then they are back with their old power - and with some recently recruited members probably even more solid and stronger than before, as well as having a big number of people in several areas in the world so that there are most likely a bunch of KH members present in AssaultCube all the time.
And as of September 2010, the Kell Hounds clan has grown even bigger. CTK|DK has been to our ranks as well as a leading shimmy from iOD, yata. MusicMan10, Foo, and Habluka are the newest members, coming from RAA, U|, and iOD respectively.
yata, Vermi, and Foo have left to join NR which recently branched into sauer. Booooooooo. We've picked up a shimmy recruit from U| before they expired, his name is dirtyflo / CaptainAmericaa. We recently slapped a couple of oNe-sies around like a bunch of schoolgirls.
Myself, 32, and a new member who goes by the name Swarm are currently the most active |KH|. A renaissance is in the making boys and girls. Stay tuned!
Utah is back! I don't know how to edit the box below...
External links
The Kell Hounds Clan |
 | Active Members | MorganKell • failure • Bullpup • Habluka • DeadToMe • Greifenstein • Monkey |
Missing in Action | Alfa-Bravo • arbo • DK • Emoposer • File • Jinnie • Avalanche • Paizo • Oblivion • skee • Ti • tWo • 1shot1kill |
Former Members | Atomikk • D33p6 • DrauL • Duckett • Foo • Infern0 • LaNterN • Revert • $hield • Shorty • Syntax • th3answ=r • Undead • Utah • Vermi • Vault77 • yata |