Keeps You Crying

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Keeps You Crying also known as .kyC"| is an AssaultCube clan.

Keeps You Crying
Clantag: .kyC"|
Founded on: 11/20/2011
Founded by: MerCyKiL, Xynetics (NoVa.)
Current leader(-s): Jg99
Members: 6
Country: International


On the 20th of November 2011 MerCyKiL and Xynetics made .kyC"| (Keeps You Crying). We have the goal for our members to be the best in the ac community. If you are interested in applying just apply on our forums, and keep in contact over our IRC or in our teamspeak channel.


WiNLiN29 (Jg99) - Leader - Flag us.png

[Link]|!| - Member - Flag us.png

KnightWolf - Member - Flag us.png

THEGRID* - Recruiter - Flag us.png

Former Members

Xynetics - Founder - Flag nz.png


Name IP/Domain Max Players Owner Location Logging Blacklist Available Ladder
Keeps you Crying Coop server #1 2222 4 Jg99 US yes yes 24/7 No
Keeps you Crying Coop server #2 5555 6 Jg99 US yes yes 24/7 No
Keeps you Crying Coop Oasis 4444 10 Jg99 US yes yes 24/7 ladder
Keeps you Crying Coop server #3 Dynamic ip, look for the server in the server list 8 DJ SkiDD US yes yes Not 24/7 No
Keeps you Crying Kustom Maps! Dynamic ip, look for the server in the server list 14 Jg99 US yes yes 24/7 No

How to Join?

The way to join is to post your application on in the Applications Section, using the Applications Template. You then will be tested by multiple members or by doing an inter match. You need atleast 3 F1's to pass. A successful test is when you play your best, and try your hardest. You should be improving when you're being tested.

Clan Rules

Here's the clan rules:

1. No cheating (also known as hacking). (Kick)

2. No admin abusing (Removal of Admin)

3. No advertising porn/illegal stuff/etc (Kick)

4. No tag abusing (kick, and blacklist on server)

5. No double clanning (kick)

6. Running Servers:

 I. You Must be approved by Jg99 or MerCyKiL to run Official Servers.
 II.Sveark Mod is not allowed.
 III. Mods Allowed: ACIRCBot(Irc Relay Bot); Show the whole ip; Add to Blacklist from AC.
 IV. No Blinking Text (Jamz will ban the server.)
 V. Servers must be up to date with Jg99's Servers, and Must use Jg99's blacklist.

7. No Forum Abuse.

8. Admin pass handouts for special events are allowed. Read "How to get admin pass for special events" below

How to get admin pass for special events

Note: You Must PM Jg99 for the application.

1. AC Name

2. AC Clan (if you're in one.)

3. Password (Please PM Jg99 the pass.)

4. Date to put the pass in.

5. Date to expire pass.

Server Admin Rules

1. No Admin abusing/voteabusing

2. Get admin when you need it, drop admin after,

3. No giving out admin pass

4. No claiming admin just to show off.

5. Drop admin before voting a map

6. Never clear out a server for coop/match purposes if other players dont agree, just go to a different server.

IRC Rules

1. No spamming

2. Cussing is ok, but over cussing is spamming.

3. No Op abuse

4. If you spam, over cuss, advertise inappropriate stuff, threat, or bad stuff, you'll be banned

External links