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OveR Clan (or |OveR!) is a relatively new clan.

OveR clan
Founded on:2010-30-07
Founded by:Black
Current leaders:Black, ET Rocks, and VirU$


The OveR Clan is a group created for the game Assault Cube. Founded on July 30, 2010 by Black -a veteran player in AC-, was conceived as a project, Project Zero.

Initially, the clan used the {Over} tag, had a patent system similar to the army to differentiate their players as the level of each and had started a mass recruitment. In just 2 months, recruited approximately 40 players of various levels of play and many countries.

With many players were coming up missing limbs, unfaithful or disrespectful. In contrast, the mass recruitment was closed, re-registration were carried out and measures taken against irregular members in order to remain members of the faithful and good natured.

Shortly after, a vote was held to change the tag of the clan, being changed to |OveR!; which can be used before, in the middle or end of the player's nick; conventionally separated by dot (.). The patent system was abandoned by the clan, separating only members able to represent the clan in battle: the Elite, and those who are in training: the T-OveR, using the tag T-OveR#.

In its development, the OveR Clan received help from several players, without which, would not have evolved and reached the current level of success. Among the most helpful, the OveR Clan is grateful to friends: -xW-#Maur^, .:Sj*Medabots, |uRs|Pufe and |uRs|waag'.

Currently, the OveR Clan consists exclusively of Brazilian players.


The OveR Clan appreciates the respect of all players and abhors the use of cheats.

Our main goals are to grow, reaching the top and increase our ties of friendship and companionship.

We are more than just a group: we are a family!

"OveR Clan: alone, we are strong. United, we are better!"

External links