Legendary Ghosts

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Legendary Ghosts
Founded on:2010-07-28 (first foundation); 2012-01-01 (rebirth)
Founded by:Mihawk
Current leaders:Mihawk, Saw_Joker, Psycho

The Legendary Ghosts (or LG*|), formerly known as Cube Killers, is an Assault Cube clan mainly based in Italy.


The Legendary Ghost was previously known as Cube Killers. The clan was originally born from an idea of Mihawk, the current founder and leader. After some attempts and tryouts to join in a former clan (Run or Die, now dead) he decided to found his own one so he started to look for players willing to help with it. After a long research for experienced players, the 28th of July 2010 the clan was officially open. Not long time after that, thanks to a player met in AssaultCube, Carlo, CK clan also opened a server.

The 15th of March 2011, the CK clan website suffered a hacking attack, but it could be restored in a few days. Later, Mihawk, the original clan leader and founder, refounded it again with Saw_Joker, so the 1st of January 2012 Legendary Ghost was born, being an official rebirth of the former clan.


  • Mihawk
  • Eclisse93
  • youngbesyz
  • Psycho
  • Saw_Joker
  • Gundam


You can also contact us via e-mail at [email protected].

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